Hola una pregunta para el creador para informarles sobre un error que encontré en la escena de Nora, cada vez que intento jugar esa parte del juego me sale un error, la pantalla se congela en la imagen del dibujo, no me deja avanzar, intento mover otras partes del juego y se queda trabado en esa parte y lo peor de todo es que muchas veces se cierra solo
Hola, este error se corrigió para el hotfix de la más reciente versión. Muchas gracias por reportar el problema!! La más reciente versión, donde estos errores han sido corregidos, (Alpha 0.2.4) será subida en breve al itch.io y a nuestra página en Oppaiman!!
Hello there Dos, i really enjoy this game i hope the update for Prometheus is almost done already, i also wonder how ashes "fun" will be too, i encountered the bug still in Noras store an cutscene i cleaned the store and when i finished it just kept in noras store back ground an the map showed up an kept noras store in the background and then i talked to alexa but she didnt appear, i am showing the pics i screenshotted for ya to let you know i think its still buggy. so i had to reload an skip that plan with nora to make sure it didnt bug the background again. Eventhough i encountered the bug you fixed still im still INTRIGUED by your game/novel basically.
Game development is hard, you guys keep on being awesome
I will just say updates don't need to be rapid fire. It may just be a personal preference but I think it would be better if you guys took an extra month or two to make updates more big and bold. (though I'm not saying there's anything wrong with how they are currently)
Plus, I don't want you guys to burn out.
So far the game's still pretty small, as to be expected since its in alpha, but the art is wonderful and I look forward to more.
Thank you!!!! Yea, taking more times between each update is something we have talked about. The thing is, the more time the update takes, the greater are the expectations, so it's easier to generate frustration or disappointment
Sorry for what I'm going to say this but I'm the only person who feels a little disappointed with the new update, I was expecting a little more content and not something that happens to me in 5 minutes 10 at most I know that programming is not easy much less if you have to program, create characters and so on, but I think that also put a little more content in the game. It wouldn't be bad at all, sorry if I offend someone with my argument or if I'm offending the creator of the game himself, I think he's doing very good job but I feel like it's still missing a lot of content in the game
Id agree, but the game still in Alpha, and only having development for half a year, they're actually going pretty fucking fast.
I'm glad you're being polite, but i do need to disagree.
Valid argument though if you think the devs should take more time to roll out bigger updates more spread apart, than medium-sized updates much more often.
Hola buenas noches pregunta dos arracachas cuando llegara la Actualización tengo entendido que llegaría Hoy 23 pero no llego nada y me pregunto cuando lo publican
Hello, good morning, afternoon or evening, I would like to ask a question, how long will it take for you to publish the new version of the game? I understand that they have to get some monetization, but how long, more or less, for the new version of the game to be released to the public? One month or two. months like more or less how much
Buenas días tardes o noches este juego me encanta esta historia muy buena y me interesa saber que llegará en la próxima actualización y cuando vendrá pero bueno vengo a reportar este bug:
Cuando completas toda la historia hasta el momento de Alexa se crea un bug y se pone como al inicio de la historia ruda y con odio al jugador y se ve doble como se ve en la imagen espero que esto sirva para arreglarlo
Jejeje its so specific! Sorry, but to be honest, gallery is a mess. We didn't create it, is some kind of prefab that came with the game engine. Rn we are working in a rework of it! Sorry for the inconvenienc
I'm missing the same image in page 1, I do have the one you're mentioning in page 2 but I'm not sure if it's the same one. It's one of the in between moments of the anal sex scene with Alexa, with an xray vision of the cock inside. Have you found out what was the other one?
Hi, I don't know why I'm posting in English, something tells me that you guys are good at Spanish xd, anyway, this project seems incredible to me, both the story and the art, if at any time you need an extra artist to update faster, I would love to participate 🙌 like you I dedicate myself to a different job to be able to eat xd, and in my free time I draw and color digitally, and I think that with my level I could be of help to you, whenever you like we'll be here, thanks for your attention (n_n)
Hello!!! Thanks for your support and for showing your interest in the proyect!!! Right now we don't have the time or resources to increase our staff. But, If you want, you can send us your portfolio via dm on discord!!!
Y sí, español es nuestro idioma nativo entonces también nos puedes escribir en español jejeje
Finally some good fucking food. Good drawing, almost perfect girls(Mara's pussy isn't "canonical" but anyway). Actually showing scenes. I really hope the game will be successful.
Will there be mixed situations where Love/Dominating paths collide and give different results from pure love or domination? If not then i would suggest making black hearts that show the domination path, rather than taking away the pure hearts, personally i think it would make more sense, as well as making it "+1 Love" and maybe "+1 Corruption/Domination" than +1 pure and -1 pure as it is right now, also very enjoyed the characters and scenes are very well made, can't wait for more.
Edit: Also i think optimizing "skip" option would be nice, since it's kinda clunky right now, it stops between transitions, it felt off just using it, i'm not entire sure, any other game just seems to work better, maybe it's because of those transitions :shrug: (adding "skip transitions" option would be nice too)
← Return to Adult Game
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Hola una pregunta para el creador para informarles sobre un error que encontré en la escena de Nora, cada vez que intento jugar esa parte del juego me sale un error, la pantalla se congela en la imagen del dibujo, no me deja avanzar, intento mover otras partes del juego y se queda trabado en esa parte y lo peor de todo es que muchas veces se cierra
Hola, este error se corrigió para el hotfix de la más reciente versión. Muchas gracias por reportar el problema!!
La más reciente versión, donde estos errores han sido corregidos, (Alpha 0.2.4) será subida en breve al itch.io y a nuestra página en Oppaiman!!
Hello there Dos, i really enjoy this game i hope the update for Prometheus is almost done already, i also wonder how ashes "fun" will be too, i encountered the bug still in Noras store an cutscene i cleaned the store and when i finished it just kept in noras store back ground an the map showed up an kept noras store in the background and then i talked to alexa but she didnt appear, i am showing the pics i screenshotted for ya to let you know i think its still buggy. so i had to reload an skip that plan with nora to make sure it didnt bug the background again. Eventhough i encountered the bug you fixed still im still INTRIGUED by your game/novel basically.

Gracias por reportar el error! La versión Alpha 0.2.4 resuelve este inconveniente, en breve será cargada al itch.io y a nuestro Oppaiman!
Ay fallos
con las escenas de Nora se atasca y no se por que ya pasó pruebas la verdad se queda ay y también aprobé con las demás escenas y pasa lo mismo 😐
Gracias por reportar el error! La versión Alpha 0.2.4 resuelve este inconveniente, en breve será cargada al itch.io y a nuestro Oppaiman!
Que buuen servicio trabajan más que los de Activision 🗿
I think the nova bug is still do is thing as it crashes on this screen every time this is on the android version
Hey, thanks for playing and reporting. Are you sure that you are playing the correct version of the game? where does your save file start?
Gracias por la actualización crack
OwO Update 0.2.2
most of time when i try to save, it doesn't let me,
then the game locks itself and i must unfortunately restart from the last save
also i think nora's minigames are completely broken?
Same with Nora
Dev Nora soft locks itself at the end of the artwork scene (android version)
Hey, thanks for your report, we are working to solve it sorry for the inconvenience :c
It’s fine. I know you can fix it
Pa cuando una actualización me informan cuando salga que la verdad el juego está 10/10 y más escenas de Roxana y de la gata xd
Very good game
Does anyone know where the cg on the bottom left of the first page is?
Will there be a futa char? Just asking
There is already. Its the demon girl
If they do futa like they did already then they better be receiving and not giving cuz futa on male is nasty
Nuh uh Futanari ts cultured 🍆🧐!
And it shows that the Devs are open minded and appreciative enjoyers of various fetishes~
that pair with their Talanted Artist(s) and Writer(s) means they cook some good stuff. And they DO cook good stuff✨🔥👌!
it's zesty but enjoyable (as long as its not R*PE)
if your making new characters,why dont you make a pregnant crow
Can we have a human version mc
Why? Its like going into a restaurant called “Scorched tounge” and ask for no super spicy hot sauce for your meal.
It would be interesting to have the option of being a human version.
Unfortunately, there was a vote on patreon, and everyone there was a zoophile
Game development is hard, you guys keep on being awesome
I will just say updates don't need to be rapid fire. It may just be a personal preference but I think it would be better if you guys took an extra month or two to make updates more big and bold. (though I'm not saying there's anything wrong with how they are currently)
Plus, I don't want you guys to burn out.
So far the game's still pretty small, as to be expected since its in alpha, but the art is wonderful and I look forward to more.
Thank you!!!! Yea, taking more times between each update is something we have talked about. The thing is, the more time the update takes, the greater are the expectations, so it's easier to generate frustration or disappointment
What conditions need to be met for the special event at night?
You mean the Halloween event at zoo? You have the first encounter with the purple demon, and meet Prometheus at the zoo
Only you
Bruh what the actual fuck!?
Sorry for what I'm going to say this but I'm the only person who feels a little disappointed with the new update, I was expecting a little more content and not something that happens to me in 5 minutes 10 at most I know that programming is not easy much less if you have to program, create characters and so on, but I think that also put a little more content in the game. It wouldn't be bad at all, sorry if I offend someone with my argument or if I'm offending the creator of the game himself, I think he's doing very good job but I feel like it's still missing a lot of content in the game
Bro we got new Halloween sex scenes, a new character, an actual sex scene with a demon. I understand what you meanbut Its not just nothing.
Id agree, but the game still in Alpha, and only having development for half a year, they're actually going pretty fucking fast.
I'm glad you're being polite, but i do need to disagree.
Valid argument though if you think the devs should take more time to roll out bigger updates more spread apart, than medium-sized updates much more often.
Nice update
hola, que ha pasado con la actualizacion?, no veo nada :"D
Hola buenas noches pregunta dos arracachas cuando llegara la Actualización tengo entendido que llegaría Hoy 23 pero no llego nada y me pregunto cuando lo publican
Hello, good morning, afternoon or evening, I would like to ask a question, how long will it take for you to publish the new version of the game? I understand that they have to get some monetization, but how long, more or less, for the new version of the game to be released to the public? One month or two. months like more or less how much
Buenas días tardes o noches este juego me encanta esta historia muy buena y me interesa saber que llegará en la próxima actualización y cuando vendrá pero bueno vengo a reportar este bug:
Cuando completas toda la historia hasta el momento de Alexa se crea un bug y se pone como al inicio de la historia ruda y con odio al jugador y se ve doble como se ve en la imagen espero que esto sirva para arreglarlo
Hola!! Gracias por tu reporte, parece que olvidamos fixear una línea de código en ese scrip jajaja
Muchas gracias por tu apoyo!
I didn't realize that my comment had serious spoilers. I'm sorry
Thanks for the report!!
Hello, I would like to ask how to get In the gallery on page 1, 7 cutscene on the left And 9 cutscene on the right on page 2
Jejeje its so specific! Sorry, but to be honest, gallery is a mess. We didn't create it, is some kind of prefab that came with the game engine. Rn we are working in a rework of it! Sorry for the inconvenienc
I'm missing the same image in page 1, I do have the one you're mentioning in page 2 but I'm not sure if it's the same one. It's one of the in between moments of the anal sex scene with Alexa, with an xray vision of the cock inside. Have you found out what was the other one?
Gallery is pretty much a mess. We are doing a rework if it, but for now, if you get to the final scene with Roxanne all the CG should be there
Hi, I don't know why I'm posting in English, something tells me that you guys are good at Spanish xd, anyway, this project seems incredible to me, both the story and the art, if at any time you need an extra artist to update faster, I would love to participate 🙌 like you I dedicate myself to a different job to be able to eat xd, and in my free time I draw and color digitally, and I think that with my level I could be of help to you, whenever you like we'll be here, thanks for your attention (n_n)
Hello!!! Thanks for your support and for showing your interest in the proyect!!! Right now we don't have the time or resources to increase our staff. But, If you want, you can send us your portfolio via dm on discord!!!
Y sí, español es nuestro idioma nativo entonces también nos puedes escribir en español jejeje
Would you like any translation help for English or Russian
Hello!! At the moment we don't have enough time or resources to increase our staff. We deeply thankyou for showing your interest!!!
Man. This game is nice asf. I hope there would be a discord server soon
Hey, thanks for playing and leaving a comment, we currently have a Discord server https://discord.gg/BJKvcfhbd6
Is Helping Prometheus to eat Roxanne’s pussy a domination path?
Nope, it's just an alternative story
descargue la version windows hace varias horas y apenas me di cuenta que ya no aparece aqui, que ocurrio?
Hicimos un repost por un hotfix, pero es extraño que no aparezca; debería, intenta descargarlo de nuevo. Si esto persiste por favor háznolo saber
me referia a que en la pagina de itchio ya no aparece el icono de windows xd
Ahhhh vale, accidentalmente pusimos android en el rar de windows jajaja
is windows version not out for 3.1?
We did a repost due to an error, it should be out by now, let us know if the version still doesn't show
i dont see the windows version.
We accidentally put the android icon instead of windows icon jejeje sorry for that
When is the full version coming out
Hello!! Game is currently under development! We post montly updates first on our patreon an then for public!!
Finally some good fucking food. Good drawing, almost perfect girls(Mara's pussy isn't "canonical" but anyway). Actually showing scenes. I really hope the game will be successful.
good game, looking forward to the next update 👌
The game play is good so far. I would love to see more
Will there be mixed situations where Love/Dominating paths collide and give different results from pure love or domination? If not then i would suggest making black hearts that show the domination path, rather than taking away the pure hearts, personally i think it would make more sense, as well as making it "+1 Love" and maybe "+1 Corruption/Domination" than +1 pure and -1 pure as it is right now, also very enjoyed the characters and scenes are very well made, can't wait for more.
Edit: Also i think optimizing "skip" option would be nice, since it's kinda clunky right now, it stops between transitions, it felt off just using it, i'm not entire sure, any other game just seems to work better, maybe it's because of those transitions :shrug: (adding "skip transitions" option would be nice too)